Crypto pair trading strategy

crypto pair trading strategy

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The Strategy That Made Him $1.1 Million In 12 Months
Pair trading is a market-neutral trading strategy that allows traders to place bets on one asset versus another while remaining unaffected by. This strategy is rooted in the believe that, in the long run, the two assets will maintain a consistent spread, making it possible to profit. A crypto pairs trade, also known as crypto pair trading, is.
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Cryptocurrency pairs are usually traded on exchanges and can be bought or sold just like any other asset on the platform. The quote currency reflects how much is needed to buy 1 unit of the base currency. They let you see what a coin could be worth if it reached the market cap of another. There are many moving parts to the process, from exchanges to altcoins, and it can take time to keep track of everything. The Bear Fighter is the first bot of its kind that can go 'short', making the well-known trading strategy called 'pairs trading' possible.