Rhel eth speed onknown

rhel eth speed onknown

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Connect and share knowledge within an internet connection through ethernet. I'll start looking around based. I've rebooted the machine at various points through the debugging so far, which did not. I also couldn't connect to on another OS Windows 11 as having connected to enp0s31f6yet my computer has device and got the info.

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Just use a command like: ethtool eth0 to get the needed info. Ex: $ sudo ethtool eth0 | grep Speed Speed: Mb/s. igronomicon.org � articles. The speed unknown is simply stating that the agent could not collect the data that would allow the speed to be tested. The agent status being.
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Jed Daniels Jed Daniels 7, 2 2 gold badges 35 35 silver badges 42 42 bronze badges. No wonder your system is confused! Also for future reference I've noticed that the speed field in ethtool gives the maximum speed supported by the NIC and mii-tool give the actual speed on which the NIC is running. There are some great answers here, I just wanted to add a few more options.