Thong tu so 59 2003 tt btc

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Bitcoin pha v? xu hu?ng gi?m, nh?m m?c tieu sieu l?i nhu?n nam 2024
Thong tu //TT-BTC hu?ng d?n v? thu? nh?p kh?u va gia tr? gia tang d?i v?i hang hoa nh?p kh?u c?a d? an di?n do B? Tai chinh ban hanh. Thong tu 84//TT-BTC hu?ng d?n th?c hi?n thu? su?t thu? gia tr? gia tang theo Danh m?c hang hoa nh?p kh?u do B? Tai chinh ban hanh. Original Language Title: Thong tu //TT-BTC: Hu?ng d?n co ch? tai chinh d?i v?i cac d? an s? d?ng ngu?n v?n vay Co quan Phat tri?n Phap (AFD)trong.
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