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The live NitroBot price today is $0 USD with a hour trading volume of $0 USD. We update our NBOT to USD price in real-time. With power (PoE+) and NDI streaming through one ethernet cable, the NBot allows users to remotely control the camera zoom, focus and iris remotely through the. NBOT or the National Board of Trade is a commodity exchange located at Indore. NBOT is India's only soya commodity exchange, and is taking steps to start.
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Learn More. You can remotely control the zoom-in-out, focus and iris of the camera through the LANC input The Salrayworks NBOT features a clear tally light ideal for working in the studio with talent Stores and recalls up to 10 positions with an accuracy of under 0. NBOT may be used to create high-level oxygen water to increase energy, improve digestion, improve skin conditions.